Pengembangan Cimenteng Sebagai Ekowisata Di Kota Cimahi
- Jurnal Nasional
- Enok Maryani, Zia Kemala, Farras Fahira Firdaus
- Manajemen dan Pariwisata, Vol. 2 No. 2
Tourism has now become one of the leading sectors that plays a role in improving the
regional economy. The existence of a regional tourism industry sector can support other
economic sectors for local communities where tourist attractions are located. Based on
the profits obtained from the large number of tourists visiting tourist attractions in an area,
local governments need to develop tourism objects. The development of tourism objects
is carried out for the advancement of regional tourism, one example is the development
of Cimenteng ecotourism in the Cimahi area. This research aims to determine the
feasibility of Cimenteng Ecotourism and to find out what factors must be developed to
make it an attractive ecotourism. This type of research is qualitative research. The data
required is primary data and secondary data obtained from interviews with the help of
research instruments in the form of questionnaires to key informants. The resource
persons in this research were Cimenteng Ecotourism guards, Cimahi Tourism Office
representatives, and community representatives. The data collection technique was
carried out in stages in the form of observation, literature study, interview and
documentation. Data analysis was carried out using data triangulation techniques and
qualitative data analysis. Qualitative data analysis techniques are carried out using the
stages of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results
show that the implementation of Cimenteng Ecotourism development as a tourist
attraction in Cimahi City is in accordance with the main principles of ecotourism
development, namely conservation value, educational value, community participation
value and economic value. The Cimenteng Ecotourism development scheme can be seen
in the condition of the components in the form of accessibility, amenities, attractions,
accommodation and activities.
Keywords: Eco Tourism, Tourism, Development
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